
Showing posts from June, 2021

Mothers are facing

What is mother mortality rate ? Number of deaths of Mothers due to cause of pregnancy.  Different countries have various reasons and causes of maternal death. In India’s diversity, reasons for maternal deaths have varieties too. It depends upon state , region and demographic of women. Pregnancy here involves the risk of dying, and this is not at all astonishing to tell you all that India is one of many countries who records high amount of maternal deaths each year. WHO, HOW AND WHY? Ninety four percentile of all maternal deaths occur in lower middle class section and the reason why this class loses their mother, wives or daughter the most is lack of finance and services at moment. Women die as a result of complications during and following pregnancy and childbirth abortion. Most of these complications develop during pregnancy are easily preventable or treatable. Other complications may exist before pregnancy but are worsened during pregnancy,      especially if not m...

How Covid 19 is being tested?

W hat  is covid 19? Covid 19 is disease caused by corona virus Co here stands for Corona Vi stands for virus and last letter d is abbreviation of disease and the number 19 shows the year in which this was detected. In the above paragraph DETECTED is the word I mentioned. This blog is all about how Covid 19 is being detected? There are 3 different types of tests. MOLECULAR TEST  (RT PCR Test) This is a test which is used to detect active infection and the results are the most trusted ones. These days one or other person has given the sample and got tested by this method, sometimes you are asked to give the negative reports in your office, hospital while getting hospitalised rather than covid, etc. The collector collects the mucus from your nose and throat using a personalised and a fresh swab. This test is often called as RT PCR test , short for polymerase chain reaction, the technique is used to detect the virus’s genetic material. The sample nasal mucus and throat mucus gets ...